Timber terracing on a San Rafael slope. These timber retention lines help to hold the slopes soil.
Even with the minimal amount of rain Southern California usually receives, having proper water drainage and erosion control is vital to all landscapes. Here is a brief breakdown of drainage and erosion control:
- Drainage – this is the way in which water runs off (or not) from the property, or percolates into the soil. Without proper drainage a landscape can become mired in pools of sitting water. This is not only unsightly, but will damage most plants that have submerged roots, and can damage structural foundations. The same risk is there when water is channeled towards your house. Proper drainage channels water away from the foundation of all structures on the property. The best drainage will disperse water into the soil, adding to the natural aquifer of your landscape for use by trees and plants. All excess water, when it rains, should be channeled off the property.
- Erosion Control: Erosion is the natural displacement of soil. The most common cause of this is when water carries soil grains from their resting position to another location. Erosion is most pronounced on slopes, and can cause unsightly soil deposits and damage plants and structures.
Making changes in the landscape to mitigate drainage and erosion issues are quite common. From installing French drains to soil retention terracing, the remedies for your landscape are practical and, often, visually appealing. Creating terraced planers out of a large slope will add beauty and vitality to your landscape. Drainage and erosion control issues are important to remedy, and add an interesting challenge that can lead to a more beautiful landscape.
Contact us today for a consultation on how your landscape can be improved with drainage and erosion control.
That’s very good point
Thank you.
I didn’t know that.
Glad to be of service, thank you.